Guidance from a local reading coach

What if your child is not at an All Aboard Phonics school and you are seeing frustrations? 

We are building our All Aboard Reading Coach Network (the AARC Network), to help any parent in that situation.

Our AARC Network can help train teachers too on how to deliver solutions for individual children.

Give your child a reading superpower, with just a bit of coaching.

In the modern world, being a great reader is the easiest route to success. 

With some low-cost tutoring you can give your child an incredible superpower, that will make them more successful at school and as an adult. It will save you a lot of time and frustration too, over the next few months!

How can you achieve that? All you have to do is make sure they start to love reading, because they now find it easy and fun.

Fast and efficient

Our tutors are trained to guide you and your child to the best outcome in the shortest time. It does not need to be a big investment in time or money, but it will be massively life changing.

The tutoring sessions will be short and happen over Zoom. So they are very convenient.

The focus of the tutoring will be to make sure that each session you do when the tutor is not there achieves the most progress. We will give you the tools and techniques to do that.

How it works so well

There are always reasons for a child to be a reluctant reader. We track six main causes of frustration. These often don’t prevent reading, they just make it uncomfortable.

Our tutors are trained to recognise the patterns of frustration and fix the underlying issue. For instance, have you seen any of these patterns:

– Guessing with short common words?
– Skipping words or lines of text?
– Poor comprehension and engagement?
– Difficulty blending sounds into words?
– Poor fluency when reading?

If you have seen any of those, we need to get the underlying issue fixed, so that your child’s reading can really fly.

We sort out any barriers to reading and then we get each child doing some great reading practice each day in our trainertext library. Trainertext is the key to good reading practice.


Don’t worry if your child has a dyslexia diagnosis. We love working with dyslexics!


Well, because we often see the most dramatic turnarounds for dyslexics. They are often very bright and when we help them head down the right track, they charge away and see amazing progress.

First consultation

The first step is to meet up with one of the team. We will discuss your situation and what your aims are.

If those seem to match what we can offer, then we will set you up with an account and line up a first coached reading session for you and your child.

If that goes well, you will start doing daily sessions using our resources and meet up with your tutor every week or two on Zoom.

Low Cost

The cost of this support is just £77/$97 per month. 

We can keep it so low because our reading coaches advise and guide, rather than delivering hours of tutoring. It makes it much more efficient.

You can cancel at any time.


In addition, we will guarantee the sort of results you will see.

At the first consultation, your tutor will explore your situation and then tell you what you can expect to achieve. If you feel that has not been achieved and we cannot fix the situation, then we will refund what you have paid (up to a maximum of three months).

Setting up the first meeting

Just book in below to get a first meeting set up, free of charge: