How to see your child master reading in months, instead of years.
Would you like to see your child begin to love reading?
And would you like to see your child thrive at school and beyond, because they can read so well?
That is what we are all about.
Where are you right now?
What has brought you to this page? What’s your current situation? Is it any of these?
1 – Maybe you are just starting out and are a bit unsure how you should be helping. It feels like yet again, as a parent, you are having to make it up as you go!
Isn’t so much of parenting like that? And we don’t always get it right, do we?!
2 – Perhaps you have started and been surprised by how hard and stressful it can be. So you know you are getting less reading practice done than you would like to.
3 – Potentially, your child is a bit older and is in real distress. Your child is bright and has worked hard, but is clearly falling behind in the class and doesn’t know why. The school have said “just do more reading together”, but you are finding that harder and harder to get done.
4 – Or possibly… you have moved beyond that and have had a dyslexia diagnosis from an educational psychologist. But… you are not happy with the situation, because you know how much harder so many things are when you don’t read well.
How would you like it to be?
Instead, imagine feeling confident that you have this critical task covered. You have had the advice and training you need for reading practice to go really well each day.
Picture having your child smile at the suggestion of reading practice! It should be a lovely one on one time each day, after all.
Then visualise having to pull Harry Potter out of your child’s hands, late in the evening, so that they get some sleep.
And where does all of this lead to. It leads to that huge moment when your child is setting off into their new life at university, to follow the path they have chosen. What a bitter sweet moment that is as a parent!
How can it be like that?
We have been working on this for 15 years, with thousands and thousands of children. In our experience the only way to be sure to achieve that is to use an integrated learning system, like our Easyread Reading Excelerator, that combines the right tools and guidance, for you to support your child in the right way.
What I mean by that, is that reading is a skill like riding a bike. If your child tried to climb on a bike and set off, it wouldn’t go well. They need training wheels to keep the bike upright and they need you there coaching and guiding them, especially as the training wheels come off!
Reading is the same. We use “trainertext” to make practice much easier and we can deliver the guidance and expertise needed to make sure it all goes smoothly.
My own experience of difficulty
I, David Morgan (founder of All Aboard Learning), know a bit about how this can go wrong, because it did for me. My mother tried everything to get me reading, but I never really cracked it as a child.
I could read, but not well. I failed English at 15 and always struggled with the humanity subjects. My maths and physics were good, so I applied to Oxford to study engineering. I got a top mark in the exam but got rejected because “I had not explained my answers very well”. Oops!
So, this stuff has an impact, however hard you try to work around it. And the irony is that I then became a passionate reader in my 20s. So my earlier frustrations had been completely unnecessary. That is what we now want to avoid for every child.
What does Easyread look like?
There are four main elements to the Easyread Reading Excelerator:
Tools – The Excelerator System
You need the right tools to make this process easy, fast and successful. Learning to read is hard (imagine learning Greek or Arabic) and the Easyread Excelerator System will increase your child’s progress by 5-10 times.
Here are our main tools to make this easier:
Trainertext – This is a unique way to present the text that means your child can read any word without getting stuck.
Adaptiviity – Our activities adjust to how the learner is doing.
Games – We get your child to focus on playing games as they build their confidence.
Training – The Parent Powerhouse Creator
You need to know exactly how to be supporting your child each day. When you do, you will enjoy the experience more and you will see far better results.
Routines – There are lots of little ways that you can make this easier, faster and more fun for your child. We will train you how to do that.
Affirmations – The brain works on dopamine. Dopamine strengths memories and how you manage the dopamine flows during reading practice will impact how quickly your child progresses.
Mapping – You need to know what right looks like and what’s is a worry, so that you can react to what you are seeing in the right way.
Tutoring – The Success Pilot System
We will be with you through the whole journey in regular Zoom tutoring sessions. Or we can potentially deliver all the lessons for you, if time is short for you.
These are the key roles of the tutor:
Coach – This becomes part of the training package. Our tutors will make sure you understand what best practice looks like and will build your skills
Oversee – These tutor sessions will also check for any worrying signs, so that we are sure you are travelling down the middle of the path to success.
Motivate – Our tutors are experts at putting children at ease and making them feel good about the progress they are making. That in itself will boost their rate of progress.
Ensure – We view a good outcome as not just nice, but essential. Part of the role of the tutors is to be absolutely sure we achieve that every time.
Tracking – The Easyread Data Map
You need to know that you are on track to success. So a sophisticated tracking system is essential. Interpreting the data is one of the key inputs of the tutor, because there is nuance to getting this right.
Spelling – Spelling development is a great confirmation of good reading skills. We see spelling progress without practising spellings.
Tracking – The tracking of children’s eyes needs to develop for them to read small text.
Activities – Each of our activities gives windows into the development of the learner.
Reading – This is all wrapped up in reading progress, which needs to lead with accuracy and then fluency. You want fast accurate reading, not just fast reading.
Unconditional Guarantee of Success
You will find there are a lot of promises of help with reading out there, but if you ask people to guarantee the outcome they are predicting, they tend to look a lot less sure!
We unconditionally guarantee the outcome you will see. Our expectation is for you to be delighted by the progress achieved. Exactly what that progress will be will vary for every child. So we will discuss it in our free initial consultation.
Next Step
I hope you are excited by what you are seeing is possible.
My question for you is: “Are interested in a fully supported solution that guarantees the best outcome for your child?”
"Does it really work?"
People often ask themselves if it’s too good to be true. There are two strong bits of evidence that it does work:
1 – Our guarantee would destroy us if we didn’t routinely deliver on our mission.
2 – You can check our Facebook reviews to see what others say after using the process.
We like Facebook reviews because you know that they are from real people, not written by some review writing team!
Here are a few of those reviews as a taster:

"Do I need to bother?"
Good question… is this all really worth it? Don’t all children learn to read in due course? And surely… the teachers have the answers to any problem faced.
Yes, most of us think children learn to read just fine at school. But here’s the grim reality:
1. When it does go well, it normally takes 3 years for a child to learn to read.
2. A stunning 25% of 11 year-olds cannot read at even a basic level. This includes lots of bright visual learners and dyslexics. At least another 25% can only get a basic “pass”, which means less than half can read proficiently at the age of 11.
You can check the latest government figures for the United Kingdom and United States. Make sure you are sitting down before you do.
It’s almost unbelievable, isn’t it? Those results prove that the conventional approaches to reading are both slow and inconsistent. When things go wrong, most schools do not have the training, tools or human resources needed to fix the situation.
And it has always been like this. Successive governments have tried to fix it, but without success. The “Reading Wars” have raged for over 100 years, with the approach being used in schools changing every 20 years, with no impact on these figures.
Independent schools have the same problem, but since they are often selective they will generally move a struggling reader towards a school for dyslexics.
By contrast, we are confident we can get any child reading in weeks, so long as they speak the language and can see the text clearly.
We are busy recruiting schools to our All Aboard Phonics system, but in the meantime, we can offer you this direct support, if you would like that.